In this article, the several motives which induce many people to attend university or college will be examined. Every year, in fact, millions of students apply for tertiary education.
Firstly, unversity has always been considered as a great opportunity for a brilliant career. In addition, some people, above all those who are adult or very rich, choose this method to increase their knowledge or to gain new experiences. However, the main objective of many students is obtaining a good career preparation.
Therefore, taking a degree means a significant chance to reach a position of prestige which many people wish to gain. Obviously, the economic factor is also very important. For instance, in Italy , in the South much more than in the North, where unemployment represents the highest percentage, young people see in university the only prospect for a promising future. On the other hand, in the North the situation is different and there are more opportunities to find a job.
Nevertheless, nowadays tertiary education is more accessible than in the past , when it was a prerogative which just few people could afford. In modern times, things have changed and universities and colleges are full of students who sometimes go towards unemployment and disappointment.
As a final consideration, people attend university for passion and ambition, for intellectual curiosity and experience but it could also depend on a condition of necessity, according to the residential area, its mentality and its standard of living. By contrast, many people’s desire is achieving or mantaining a high level of education.
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